NCC Navy Wing (Covers Both Common & Special Subjects)

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ISBN: 978-81-948811-9-3
AUTHOR NAME: RPH Editorial Board
MEDIUM: English
FORMAT: Paper Back
PRICE: 245

Rs. 245


The present book has been specially published for the benefit of the cadets of NCC – Navy Wing. The book covers all aspects of NCC training and comprises the latest study material with exhaustive exercises. Solved Previous Papers are also provided in the book to make the readers familiar with the test-pattern of NCC Exams. Detailed answers have also been provided for better understanding of readers.
The book covers both Common and Special subjects, such as : NCC–At a Glance; Drill & Commands; Weapon Training; Naval Orientation; Basic Seamanship; Naval Communi-cation & Navigation; Ship Modelling; National Integration; Civil Defence & Disaster Management; Social Service; Health, Hygiene & Sanitation; Yoga & Aasnas; Obstacles Training & Adventure Activities; Self-Defence; Environment & Ecology; Famous Leaders of India, etc.
There are separate units in the book on: A Career in Defence Services, The Armed Forces & Naval History; Leadership & Personality Development; Mode of Entry into Indian Navy; General Awareness; History & National Movement of India, etc.
The book, with a simplified and reader-friendly approach, has been prepared under the active guidance and supervision of a panel of experts in the field. The sole aim of the book is to turn the young school and college students into full-fledged cadets of NCC and good citizens of India.

NCC Previous Papers — A, B & C : NCC : At A Glance, History & National Movement of India, Famous Leaders of India, The Armed Forces & Naval History, National Integration, Indian Navy, Army & Air Force, Civil Defence & Disaster Management, Naval Orientation, Drill & Commands, Basic Seamanship, Weapon Training, Naval Communication & Navigation, Obstacles Training & Adventure Activities, Ship Modelling, Leadership & Personality Development, Fire & Flood Damage Control, Social Service & Awareness, Swimming, Sea Survival & SAR Organisations, Health, Hygiene & Sanitation, Naval Warfare, Home Nursing, Military History & War Heroes, Gallantry Award Winners of Indian Navy, Yoga & Asanas, Environment and Ecology, Mode of Entry into Indian Navy, A Career in Defence Services, Solved Questions for Practice, Test Your Knowledge, General Awareness.

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